Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I'm going to do it...

Everyday I wake up and I tell myself today is the day to start eating right and working out. I have been saying that since my 6 weeks of recuperation after baby girl was born were up and now she is 7 months old. Last night though as I watched "Bunheads," I chose that I would get on my ballet shoes and follow whatever routine came up on the show. That would be my first workout. I also decided to do 50 crunches, 20 leg lifts, and some stretching exercises. I know its nothing impressive, but hey its a start right? This morning I woke up and it was really the day to start eating better. I definitely wasn't perfect, but my dinner did consist of a salad with carrots and tomatoes and light dressing and a very thin slice of meatloaf.
Anyways the reason why I need to take control of what I eat is mainly for my health. We had, or I should say, I had a hard time getting pregnant because of Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS) and I had to be on metformin to regulate my insulin. If you don't know about PCOS, one way it effects your body is by causing insulin intolerance. Therefore, I need to stay away from sweets and carbs, but of course those are the two food groups I love the most, I mean who doesn't? I really don't want to be on metformin though for the rest of my life, so its time to take control. Now what "diet" plan will I follow? Really a little bit of everything because I don't want it to be a diet, I want it to be a habit and a way I will eat and cook from now on.

Here are some guide lines I will be following:
  • I really loved Weight Watcher's when we did it before little man was born, so I'll use some of their recipes.
  • The Primal diet helps to keep away the bad foods for me and get me active
  • Raw Eating to helps us stay away from processed foods
Hopefully we are headed down the right track. Wish us luck!!

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