I've decided that I need to document some of things my little man comes up with...here is today's lesson on loyalty...
Little man has a friend, we will call her Little H. We've known Little H since she was born and she is 3 weeks younger than him. We go to the same church and have had plenty of playdates together. Little H is little man's girlfriend in his eyes.
This morning when we woke up, I told him that two friends of ours are getting married and have asked him to be the ringboy.
He responded by saying he didn't want to, so I told him that he would be walking with a beautiful little girl...and to this he looked at me and said "Mama, the only beautiful girl is Little H"
If only all humans were as loyal as him and to little H, you've really conquered my little man's heart <3.
That is so cute and sweet! He really is a special boy.